Potyque 10% CBD Oil Review


Following on from a review I made of the Potyque brand back almost 2 years ago, I finally had the good fortune of meeting the owners Michelle and Andrew Rust at The CBD Show in London.

I had really missed meeting people in person with all the lockdowns and it was amazing to learn more about the history behind the brand, Michelle’s history in the pharmaceutical industry and their success in the Indy best list.

I’m now honoured to be producing another review of their brand, focusing on the top selling 10% CBD oil.

The Strength

The 10% CBD oil is served in a 10ml bottle, meaning you get 1,000mg of CBD in each, slightly testing higher than this number in the lab report.

There is also a presence of CBG, or cannabigerol, a cannabinoid I’m a big fan of thanks to some early research finding its potential to be utilised against certain issues. I legally can’t explain this in great detail, but I would rather direct you to either this study showing CBG inhibiting keratinocyte proliferation, or the potential therapeutic benefits from this study.

Each drop from the Potyque 10% contains 5mg of CBD, while they recommend placing 2-3 drops under the tongue three times per day. What you opt for will depend on your reason for taking and whether you would rather micro-dose or take it in one hit.

I normally take it in one hit, 45-60 minutes before bed, taking around 40mg of CBD. However, during this testing period, I opted to take some in the morning, some after lunch and some at dinner, as I had a lot of calls and meetings and wanted to have a consistent amount in my system throughout the day.

Of course, if you’ve ever read any of my other posts, I’m not a fan of counting drops, as I find it can be difficult at times and a slow tedious process (I have ADHD, I don’t have time to count drops). Instead, I prefer to pour based on the amount in the dropper.

This isn’t a precise science as such, but the dropper holds around 0.5ml (the 30ml bottles tend to have 1ml droppers so sometimes I use one and save the dropper as they have measurements on the 1ml droppers). 0.5ml of the Potyque 10% CBD oil is 50mg, so if you wanted a big hit, you could take that all in one go, or opt for half that amount for 25mg.

What Carrier Oil Do They Use?

Potyque uses MCT oil in all of their CBD oils, an absolute gem when it comes to carrier oils for CBD, helping to increase bioavailability following consumption.

CBD is fat soluble, meaning it will be absorbed much greater alongside a fat source, while brands might provide hemp seed oil, olive oil or MCT oi as the fat source. Occasionally you’ll get something more unique, like grape seed oil or avocado oil, but MCT has fast become the benchmark in the industry, recognised as providing the greatest results in most tests.

I used to always drink bulletproof coffee’s in order to boost my energy levels and help to reduce body fat, which medium chain triglycerides helped with, so I’m personally a big fan of MCT oil.

Stress Free Zone

I have tried somewhere between 200 and 300 different CBD oils, so I find while they are all very similar and marketed the same, there are subtle differences between all of them and the results can vary drastically.

This is why I always feel keen to highlight when I have loved the results of a particularly effective CBD oil and I’m happy to say this was one!

Relaxed all day and sleeping like a log, I have very much enjoyed testing this out and happy to recommend it to others.

Where Can I Order A Bottle From?

If you’re ready to make an order, head on over to the Potyque website where the 10% CBD oil can be bought for £75. This includes free shipping to anywhere based in the UK.

If you would rather something a little stronger, you can order the 20% for £140 or the 30% for £200, or if your budget is a bit tighter, you can order the 500mg for £50.

For most people starting out and ordering for therapeutic reasons, I’d recommend a 1,000mg CBD oil. Many beginners start off with a 500mg or a 250mg and take small doses, then complain that they didn’t see the results they were after, which simply comes down to not taking enough to see effective results.


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