Tailored Wellbeing Electric Lemon CBD Oil Review

electric lemon cbd oil

5 Tailored Wellbeing CBD oil’s are sat on my shelf, the first two to be reviewed being the cherry drops and tropical daze, while over the past week I’ve been trying the electric lemon, which names matches its flavour. This is a product that appealed to me for various reason, so read on for my full review.

How Does It Taste?

The first question you’ve got to ask yourself is if you’re a lemon person, if not then you’ll never like this. I personally am a big fan of lemon, pass me a lemon drizzle cake and I’ll swallow it whole. The taste you get straight away is the sweet meeting the citrus taste. I expected it to be slightly more sour, however it was actually a very sweet flavour, teasing the tastebuds. It reminds me of a lemon flavoured sweet from childhood, but I couldn’t say what from the top of my head.

How Much CBD Do You Get?

A full 30ml bottle contains 1,000mg of CBD. The amount you get per serving depends on the amount you’re aiming for, with the general recommendation with this product being a full 1ml pipette, which will provide you with 33mg of CBD distillate.

The certificate of analysis for this product shows a very similar breakdown to the other flavours, albeit slight differences, but with the presence of CBD being met with CBG, CBDV and CBC in this broad spectrum oil.

All their product third party lab test results are available on their site via a blog post, which are always worth checking before making a purchase.

Where Can I Buy This?

You can purchase the Tailored Wellbeing Electric Lemon CBD oil from their website in two size options of either 10ml or 30ml. The 10ml bottle will provide you with 330mg of CBD. If you’re based in the UK then you can get free delivery, which takes 3-5 business days, or you can speed that up by getting next day delivery for £1.99.

Who Is This Product Ideal For?

I gave CBD oil to my girlfriend for the first time back around a year ago and she was horrified by the taste. I’ve always liked it, but a huge number of people cannot stand the taste. For this reason, multiple alternatives from CBD gummies to CBD Chocolate were introduced to the market. The issue with these is CBD oil often acted quicker, provided a better price per mg of CBD and were still favoured by the majority of customers, therefore flavoured oils were introduced.

What Are The Ingredients?

As you can imagine, the all important ingredient is the broad spectrum Hemp Distillate, containing various cannabinoids, terpenes and flavonoids. On top of this, you also have the C8 MCT Oil, which works as the carrier oil, working to increase the bioavailability of the cannabidiol after consumption. Plus, it’s a great weight management tool I often used to use before a workout.

The final ingredient is the artificial and natural food flavourings, which work to create that electric lemon taste that zaps your taste buds.

Will This Product Get You High?

No, simple as. But if you want some more detail, then it comes down to the THC content. To be legally sold in the UK, it has to have under 0.2% THC, derived from industrial hemp. As you can see from a certificate of analysis, and the fact they are stacked on shelves, they have had to prove they are under this limit when batch testing. While the batch test might not be identical to the product you get, it should ring close, which means the THC content will be so close to zero it wouldn’t have any effect at all.


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