Naturecan CBD Massage Oil Review

cbd massage oil

This was just a perfect excuse to tell Raquel I needed her to give me a massage for research purposes! This must be the 6th Naturecan product I’ve reviewed so far and there are plenty more to go, so make sure to look at the full range I’m writing about.

How Much CBD Is Included?

The massage oil contains 500mg of CBD, supported by the certificate of analysis which is performed in Yorkshire.

The amount you use at a time will obviously vary, however on a typical massage you would include around 5ml (5% of the bottle), providing you with 20 uses before it runs out. The 5ml will therefore provide you with 25mg of CBD.

You might wonder if CBD can be absorbed through the skin, well I’m happy to say it can, reaching the receptors for the endocannabinoid system, helping to reduce pain as well as rapid wound healing.

Why Include Sweet Almond Oil?

Sweet almond oil is an interesting ingredient, as it is coated in both positives and myths. The claims that are listed for sweet almond oil are excessive, but with many of these lacking clinical evidence. Some say it can help reduce under eye circles while others state it can help with stretch marks, but neither are sufficiently proven.

On the other hand, sweet almond oil is rich in Vitamin E, not to mention the presence of zinc, protein and monounsaturated fatty acids, which work together to protect the skin against sun UV radiation damage and helps to moisturise the skin. It’s commonly found in massage oils, as well as hair treatments.

Why Include Lavender?

Lavender is pretty much unanimous with relaxation nowadays, included in virtually every bath bomb and aromatherapy. It’s very much recognised as the skin care industries unbeatable essential oil, high in antioxidants, which help to fight off free radicals which are known to cause damage to DNA.

Lavender has been used throughout history as a way to help treat wounds and soothe the skin, while in modern times it is heavily used for anxiety.

When Should I Apply This?

This is very much down to you, it would be ideal to apply it after a workout, but it depends if you can persuade someone to give you a massage straight after exercising! You don’t want to wash off all the CBD oil, therefore if you are putting this on after a workout, make sure to shower first and then have the massage.

You could also look to apply this after sunbathing, to help sooth the skin from any potential sun damage from your day on the beach or relaxing in the garden. Of course, it might not be such a good idea getting a rub down if you’ve got a bit burnt.

For me, it was a case of trying to persuade the girlfriend for a massage, so a cheeky glass of prosecco was the winning factor! Obviously I returned the favour.

Where Can I Buy This From?

You can purchase the Naturecan CBD Massage Oil from their website for £19.99, which is pretty much spot on the price for most 100ml CBD massage oils.


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