Hempstory Hemp Protein Powder Review

sensi protein shake

Anyone who has followed my channel for a while will know that I’ve been working through a painful diet and intense workout plan for the past 6 months, where I have managed to lose a couple of stone, in order to fit back into a suit for a friend’s wedding and burn off that lockdown weight.

I was therefore more than delighted when I was offered the chance to review the Hemp Story Hemp Protein Powder, while I’ve covered everything below I think you need to know, but if you have any follow up questions, leave them in the comments below and I’ll do my best to answer them.

Heads up…The photo was taken while we were still in the Euro’s, it now looks a bit more depressing haha.

Why Use Hemp Protein Powder?

Before answering why hemp, I’ll quickly cover why I’m taking protein powder altogether.

Protein plays a critical role in helping to repair and rebuild your muscles after a hard workout. You want to increase protein synthesis while reducing muscle protein breakdown.

Many people love to use whey protein as it is incredibly fast acting, however whey is derived from milk, therefore it contains lactose.

Most people develop lactose intolerance between the ages of 20 and 40, while approximately 15% of people in the UK suffer from lactose intolerance.

If you suffer from lactose intolerance, you’ll get a bloated stomach, flatulence, stomach cramps and potentially diarrhoea.

Hemp protein powder is completely plant based, therefore it does not contain any form of lactose.

While this covers 15% of the UK, another audience comes in the form of vegans, who don’t want to use a protein powder from an animal source.

While this was a relatively small audience, the number of vegans in the UK is quickly growing, while Netflix shows like Game Changers make a pretty good argument for the switch to a plant based diet!

Omega Fatty Acids

I have covered some of the most common arguments for using hemp protein powder over whey or casein (most commonly taken in the evening as a slow release source of protein), but now I wanted to discuss the presence of omega fatty acids.

Hemp protein powder is rich in omega 3, 6 and 9. You’ve undoubtedly read articles on how omega 3 fatty acids can help to reduce the risk of cardiovascular disease and curb inflammation in the blood vessels, hence the importance of consumption of this essential fatty acid.

It’s important you’re consuming omega 3 and omega 6 at the pertinent ratio, while the ratio is argued that it should be between 1-1 and 4-1, with the 4 being omega 6.

The issue is that in the UK it is more commonly around 15-1, while in the USA it is around 20-1! This is due to our poor Western diets, heavy with processed foods.

On the other hand, not just does hemp protein powder provide you with the essential omega 3, it offers it at a 3-1 ratio with omega 6.

The reality is that we don’t eat many oily fish in the UK, while I know I certainly don’t (however I have started eating salmon this year).

For my vegan friends, algae based food supplements are a great option, considering this is where the fish are getting the omega 3 from, minus all the heavy metals you get with eating fish.

What Else Does This Contain?

Not all protein comes equal, you have to look into the amino acid profile, the building blocks of protein, all with their own benefits (look into BCAA’s if you’re interested in training).

Hemp is generally high in arginine and glycine, while it also contains all nine essential amino acids, therefore it is a ‘complete protein’.

It’s also high in fibre, which is one added reason why it known to digest better and help maintain bowel health (when considering whey as an alternative).

On top of this, hemp is a decent source of iron, important for carrying oxygen around the body and sometimes low in vegans, as well as magnesium, helping to improve your quality of sleep and strengthening bones.

You will also find some Vitamin B3, B6 and E, along with a number of other minerals.

How Did You Take The Hemp Protein Powder?

I’ve waffled on about the benefits, so I guess now I should really start diving into the product.

Coming in a 250 gram pack, the pack didn’t contain a scooper (unless I haven’t got down to it), so I used my personal 30g scooper.

A 100 gram quantity contains 49.2 grams of protein, therefore based on my 30g scooper, I got 14.76 grams of protein, along with 0.6g of omega 3, 3g of carbohydrates and 3.3g of fats.

A 100 gram quantity provides 370 calories, therefore I got 111 calories per shake, which balanced out around a similar amount to my other protein shakes. Obviously, that number increases if you mix it with milk rather than water, but hey, I’m on a diet, no joy for me!

You can combine the protein into a smoothie, put on top of your cereal or simply mix it in with water or milk.

I like to make mine with hemp protein powder, water, 4 strawberries, 1 banana, quarter of an avocado, plus if you can fit in the added calories, you can add in a tablespoon of Greek yogurt and a teaspoon of honey.

Does This Contain Sugar?

It does, in a 100 gram dose you will find 7.5 grams of sugar, however this is naturally occurring sugar, they do not add any extra sugar, the ingredients are simply 100% certified organic hemp protein powder.

Where Can I Buy This From?

You can order the Hempstory Sensi Foods Hemp Protein Powder from their website for €10.00. Of course, if you’d like to add a few more items to your basket, I’d recommend keeping an eye on my blog, as there will be a review of the Hempstory herbal tea blend and Hempstory Gold CBD Oil coming out soon.


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