The Bee Mine Lab CBD Oil Forte 10% Review

beeminelab cbd oil

I’m starting the first of four products I’ll be reviewing by the Bee Mine lab, an intriguing brand based out in Madrid, the first Spanish CBD brand I’ve worked with to date. The founder Telmo Güell has a huge interest in the world of bees and understood the dangers they face to survive, therefore he has dedicated 10% of all profits to go towards the help and protection of bees, something you can’t help but admire and respect. They’ve instantly won a place in my heart for this charitable act. But on with my review…

How Much CBD Do You Get?

As you can imagine from the name, the 10% provides 1,000mg of CBD in a 10ml bottle. They provide their third party lab test results on the product pages on their website, which is always worth checking before making an order.

Interestingly, this actually tasted slightly different to most CBD oils I’ve had and a quick look over the ingredients instantly backed what I thought I tasted, the sunflower seed oil is the dominant taste you get.

Another interesting factor from the ingredients was the inclusion of Tocopherol, a major form of Vitamin E. You will often find this major lipid-soluble antioxidant in skincare products, with its list of skin benefits quite lengthy. Beyond skincare, Vitamin E also has anti-inflammatory properties, which is important for tackling various ailments.

The CBD oil is organic, which means they don’t use any pesticides or chemical fertilisers at any stage when farming the hemp, which is important as hemp is highly porous and any chemicals used would undoubtedly end up in the oil.

Topical Or Oral

If you were to take a look at the Bee Mine Lab website, you will find a lot of the content talking about its application to face masks or other topical treatments, which might confuse you if you’re hoping to take it sublingually.

No need to worry, this is simply to meet Spanish legal requirements, where CBD can only be sold as a topical treatment. This doesn’t mean it won’t work orally, it’s the exact same and will work perfectly, it’s just something they have to do to meet the laws.

In fact, multiple CBD brands were having their products removed from shelves by the relevant authorities in Spain due to them being advertised as food supplements and to be taken orally. It is a bizarre rule that will undoubtedly be changed in the near future, however with my core audience being based in the UK and the USA, I can talk about the product being utilised orally.

How Much Should I Use?

As previously mentioned, the directions are relating to topical treatment, where they recommend 3-4 drops on your hands and then rubbing it into the area you want to focus on. They also highlight that you should add a moisturiser beforehand for optimal results.

Looking at this from an oral perspective, the bottle is 10ml and contains 1,000mg of CBD, therefore you can work this out based on how much you’re hoping to have in a single portion. A full dropper is normally around 1ml, which would work out as 100mg of CBD, a significant amount, while you might want around 20mg of CBD at a time, therefore a couple of drops should suffice.

You can adjust the amount you take based on how you react, plus a number of other factors that can come into play, such as how recently you’ve eaten, your tolerance levels and the reasons you’re taking it for. Personally, I like to take CBD oil twice a day, once first thing in the morning and once 30 minutes before going to sleep.

Where Can I Buy The Bee Mine Lab Oil Forte From?

You can purchase the Oil Forte from their website for €42.50 at time of writing. They’re based in Spain, therefore if you’re in the same country then you can enjoy free delivery. They do deliver throughout the EU, however I’m not sure if they charge an extra fee for delivery abroad.


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