ULU Sleep Isolate 5% Review


Going back to being a kid, sweating in bed with the hot pipes running under my room, as I struggled to fall asleep, I remember it used to take me almost 2 hours till I drifted off every night.

While moving out meant I no longer had the intensely hot room, the fact remained that I always struggled to fall sleep, all the way up until I found CBD. My time lying in bed has dropped from 1 hour to just 20 minutes, which means I’m so much more energetic the next day.

Today I’m looking at the appropriately titled ‘Sleep’ CBD isolate by ULU, the third I’m testing in their range, having reviewed the Relax CBD isolate recently.

What Does It Taste Like?

I was split between blueberry and grape, I couldn’t quite put my finger on which it tasted like more.

As they highlight on the ULU website, they have achieved the ‘mellow grape undertones’ through a combination of terpenes present, being borneol, nerolidol and linalool.

Borneol tends to have a woody taste and a slightly pine-like scent, while nerolidol adds a bit of floral and melon notes to the mix. Linalool adds that hint of spiciness, which all combine together to achieve a very nice flavour.

Why Include Borneol?

Borneol has a strong reputation in traditional Chinese medicine, especially for treating respiratory illnesses. It has also been used throughout history to aid digestion and to ease pain and any inflammation.

There are a number of studies such as this, that show a reduction in pain in patients after testing with borneol, albeit in high doses.

What Is The Terpene Nerolidol?

Commonly found in lemongrass, ginger, jasmine, lavender and tea tree, this terpene provides a woody scent and has been shown to have a relaxing, sedative effect.

Nerolidol has anti-fungal, anti-microbial and antioxidant properties, while it has also been shown to destroy more bacterial pathogens. I’d recommend having a read through this study if you want to learn more.

What Is An Isolate?

Head over to the ULU Sleep CBD Isolate lab report and you’ll see one cannabinoid present, CBD. This means that they have isolated the cannabinoid during the extraction process and ensured this is the only one present in the end product.

Some people are drug tested, therefore they need to be sure that there is precisely zero mg of THC, where an isolate can come in use, however a broad spectrum CBD oil’s also shouldn’t contain any THC.

It’s not just drug tested individuals, some simply don’t have a great reaction to THC, therefore an isolate is highly useful for many.

What’s The Expiry Date On The CBD Isolates?

The product I have received has an expiry date of March 2023. Having said that, the majority print this as a ‘best before’ rather than a ‘use by’.

This means that this is the length of time which the CBD oil is fresh. It doesn’t necessarily mean the oil can’t be used after that date, I have a few that have passed their date that I still use, but the taste can diminish after this date.

Not all CBD oil’s are the same, some may contain other active ingredients added to the tincture, which could change the usual ‘best before’ to a ‘use by’, so it is worth checking if you don’t plan on taking it very often.

However, being a 17 month expiry date from arrival, I’m pretty sure this will be long gone before then. You get approximately 90 sprays in a bottle and most beginners may want to start taking 3 sprays per day, meaning this would last 1 month if taking it each day at this dosage.

Where Can I Buy This From?

You can order the ULU Sleep CBD Isolate from their website for £29.99, delivered by Royal Mail within 2-3 working days. Before checking out, you may also want to take a look at the ULU Relief CBD Isolate.


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