Enhance CBD Starter Pack Review

cbd starter kit

You’ve heard the unbelievable benefits of CBD and you want to give it a try for yourself, whether it’s to help deal with depression or improve your sleep. But you go online, and you find thousands of brands, various strengths, different flavours and consumption methods, not to mention a huge amount of abbreviations you’ve never heard of. Starting out with CBD oil is incredibly confusing (yep, I was lost at first, which is why I started CBD Sloth). So this is why the concept of a starter pack is brilliant, allowing you to test the water and see what you need.

What Is Included?

The Enhance CBD Starter Pack came with 4 CBD oils, 1 being 5%, 2 being 10% and 1 being 20%. I’d recommend starting with the weaker 5% and building up from there, to see whether you actually need something stronger or whether you get good enough results at the cheaper end of the spectrum.

However, there are also a number of different flavours if you don’t fancy an unflavoured one, as many people struggle with the taste of CBD oil. I tried the orange and lemon variant, raspberry, unflavoured and chocolate & hazelnut, of which I’ll talk about individually below.

How Much Does It Cost?

They don’t charge anything, you get it for free after answering a few questions, along with your personal contact details. The two questions are:

  1. What are you taking CBD oil for?
  2. Which flavour 10% drop would you like?

Beyond the flavours I highlighted, you also have the option of strawberry.

How Do I Take Them?

They come in small sample tubes. You simply unscrew the top and pour it into your mouth and hold it under your tongue for 1-2 minutes (I always aim for 2). After this, you swallow the rest, which is when you get to appreciate the flavour.

How often or when you choose to dose them is up to you, but if you’re taking it to improve your sleep, you might want to take it around 30-60 minutes before going to bed. On the other hand, if you’re taking it to ease anxiety while at work, the morning might be best for you. Don’t forget, once you have the actual CBD oil, you can try splitting your doses, so I often have some in the morning and some in the evening.

The Flavours

Considering three were flavoured, I won’t cover the unflavoured natural CBD oil in this section.

Raspberry: This was a great tasting CBD oil, but it also didn’t have the strong tartness which can be quite intense with some raspberry flavoured products. A great option for those with a sweet tooth, but not so sweet that it was sickly.

Chocolate & Hazelnut: WOW that was tasty! Think a gorgeous mouthful of Nutella. It was hard to hold temptation back from swallowing and keeping it under my tongue for 2 minutes. I haven’t tried any chocolate flavoured CBD oil’s so this was an amazing experience.

Orange & Lemon: The taste was subtle, it was nice, but it struggled to compare against the chocolate and hazelnut flavour, my clear winner.


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