Supreme CBD Gummies Review

supreme cbd gummies

When I was young, it was my dream to own a sweet shop (I had odd life goals). Being able to help myself to the pick’n’mix on a daily basis and eating to my hearts content. Never could I have imagined that the sucrose obsessed child would grow up to be someone that reviews gummies!

Ok, they’re not sweets and I have to stop treating them that way, they’re a great way to absorb CBD into your system, but I’m not going to complain if they also taste great.

I’m taking another look at Supreme, the brand who’s CBD oil I voted the best. But we’re not just talking about one type of gummy bears, I will actually be looking at three variations.

I have a pack of CBD gummy rings, strawberries and cherries, so I will do my best to detail out all of them to the best of my abilities.

How Do They Taste?

Because where else do you start with a review of gummies?

The gummy rings tasted great, with colours of orange, blue, pink and yellow, mixed together as two colours per ring. They were very moreish, making it incredibly difficult to stop once you pop the pack open.

The strawberry gummies inevitably tasted strawberry flavoured (who’d have guessed). This intrigued me as I hadn’t yet had a strawberry flavoured CBD gummy and it was gorgeous.

The third option was the cherry gummies, which again were delectable. I always loved the cherry sweets growing up, so these are instantly a favourite of mine. The one thing I would say is that I hope they eventually come out with a sour version, but again, I’m being distracted by the thought of sweets over what this realistically is, a way to consume CBD.

The most notable point about all of these gummies was that you couldn’t taste the hemp. Some brands have really struggled to mask the flavour, especially if they’re not an isolate. But they’ve got the flavour spot on with these, you wouldn’t notice the difference between these and a pack of Haribo sweets.

Inevitably, that great taste is accomplished with the inclusion of glucose syrup and sugar, so you do have to watch how many you eat, not that you can consume a huge quantity, as the FSA states you shouldn’t have more than 70mg of CBD in a 24 hour period.

How Much CBD Do You Get?

The strawberries and cherries contain 10mg of CBD per sweet, while the gummy rings contain 25mg of CBD.

I would love to say exactly how much CBD you get in a single tub, but that would involve taking them all individually out and counting them (plus remembering the ones I’ve eaten already), something I contemplated but ended up avoiding.

On the other hand, the gummy rings were much easier to count, with eight in a pack, meaning you will get 200mg of CBD. You can also order those 200mg packs as worms, bears or buttons.

As you can imagine to achieve the taste without the notable hemp flavour, they deliver CBD as an isolate, meaning no other terpenes to change the taste. This offers them a blank canvas to flavour it however they want, but it does mean you miss out on the other cannabinoids. This is a usual practice with almost all edibles you can purchase in the UK (unless you really want a cannabis flavoured gummy).

Are These Vegan Friendly?

They are! I’m not a vegan myself, however I did a one-month experiment out of curiosity and I learned how many food sources contained ingredients from animals.

Sweets are a chief culprit, with gelatine made from animal collagen, however Supreme CBD have used pectin, a popular vegan alternative, derived from plant sources. The gelling agent works just as well as gelatine, meaning we are seeing an increasing amount of sweets being adjusted to a vegan alternative, so everyone is happy with the result.

Where Can I Order This From?

You can purchase the 200mg pack of gummy rings for £9.99 or a tub of cherries/strawberries for £34.99 from their website. You can also benefit from 30% off using the discount code ‘SLOTH30’.


    • They certainly did. I tend to use CBD oil predominantly, taking it in the evening to help me sleep, however I prefer to take gummies during the day or in the morning as they contain sugar and I want to burn it off during the day. I therefore took these around 1-2 hours before client calls or presentations (I have a lot of them and they can be quite stressful at times) and I found these worked amazingly. The taste is simply an added bonus! I hope this helps, do let me know if you have any further questions.

  1. Supreme have made several attempts to stop me from speaking out… I have not noticed any difference since taking this and paid £56 I am disappointed and upset that I paid so much for jelly beans please don’t waste your money as I have!


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