Love Hemp CBD Infused Gummy Bears Review


These gummy bears are available in 3 different sizes, 40, 100 or 200, while I’m reviewing the 100 pack, meaning plenty to tuck into! This is also just one of the many CBD edible options by Love Hemp which are worth looking through.

How Much CBD Do You Get In The Gummy Bears?

Each gummy bear contains 5mg of CBD, so in a pack of 100 you get 500mg of CBD. You can then adjust how many you take based on how much CBD you require in a day. They generally recommend between 2-8 and not going over 40 (200mg which is the general max all brands state). I personally went for 2 in the morning and 2 in the evening, getting my 20mg daily target.

Considering potential usage and quantity provided, you should get between 12.5 and 50 days worth of continuous usage from this tub. Based on my usage, I’d get 25 days worth out of the tub.

It should be highlighted that the strength of CBD in the bears doesn’t change based on the different purchasing options, it’s just how many bears you get in a tub that changes, a single gummy will always contain 5mg of CBD.

Are They High In Sugar?

No, not at all. In 100 grams of gummy bears you get 0.2g of sugar, while 2 bears equals 4 grams, therefore virtually zero sugar, hence why they state ‘sugar free’. They do substitute this for sweeteners like maltitol syrup, that has half the calories of sugar and also doesn’t cause tooth decay. This is what makes up the bulk of the calories, alongside the gelatin.

It should be stated that these clearly aren’t vegan friendly as it contains gelatin.

How Did It Taste?

It didn’t have a particularly strong taste. It was closer to a wine gum than a fruit pastille if that makes any sense to you! It comes in 3 different colours, yellow, orange and red, but I don’t think there was a difference between them in taste. They are meant to be lemon, orange and strawberry.

I was happy to read they utilise curcumin, albeit it will be a very small amount, but curcumin has a huge wealth of health benefits and is something I’ve started supplementing with.

Where Can I Buy The CBD Infused Gummy Bears From?

You can purchase the 100 pack from the Love Hemp website for £29.99, while they also offer free tracked 1st class delivery for UK orders over £30, so you might want to add something little to your order to bring you over the threshold.

I have noticed that, due to some of the packs having a short expiry date, you can get yourself an amazing offer on these CBD gummies from various sites, so it’s definitely worth looking into old products at lower costs.

I’m enjoying having all these tasty treats, as I only just finished reviewing the CBDFX mixed berry hemp gummies as well! I hope to try and review plenty more, do let me know if you know a brilliant brand that should be on my radar!


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