Heart Hemp CBD Gummies Review


This is the first of two reviews I’ll be doing of Heart Hemp products, but I couldn’t help myself by starting off with the CBD gummies. The moment those scrumptious bears came through the post, I was counting the days until I could test them out!

This is a young brand, having only just been launched in October 2020, but they already have a decent range of high quality hemp based products, including gummies oil, capsules and muscle balm.

How Much CBD Do You Get?

Each gummy contains 25mg of CBD, which is relatively high to the average gummy, with the average gummy having 10mg of CBD.

As the lab report highlights, the 25mg of CBD is also met with minor amounts of CBG, CBDVA and CBC. To find the lab report yourself, they’re placed in the footer on the website. On the side of the packaging for the product you receive, you will see the batch code (mine being #1102) where you can find the corresponding lab report from their website.

I normally have around 40mg of CBD in a day, therefore I opted for 2 gummies during testing (50mg), however I have more than the average person as I’ve built up a tolerance level over time, so you may find 1 does the trick. Don’t forget, if you would rather a small dosage, you can easily break off half a bear, don’t feel restricted to just use 1 or 2 bears.

The CBD is derived from US grown industrial hemp, while the product is made in England and contains purely organic ingredients. The farm meets the industry standard from the Soil Association and is sustainably grown.

How Many Do You Get In A Pack?

Each pack contains 30 gummy bears, which will cover you perfectly for a month’s dosage providing you have one per day. I quite like the quantity basis, as many brands will offer unusual amounts such as 18 in a pack, which can be a nightmare for keeping on top of how many you have and how long until you need to top up again.

Being 25mg per gummy, that means a pack will contain 750mg of CBD.

How Were They?

I took them in the morning, rather than my usual evening CBD dosage, so I can burn off the sugar during the day. I took them in the build-up to a number of presentations I had to make, which seem to be a more constant part of my work nowadays, so these little gems are a huge help.

They tasted great, with the red ones my favourite. The flavours were elderflower, lemon, orange, raspberry and sour cherry. They also use apple fruit juice concentrate to help create that fruity taste.

Are These Vegan Friendly?

Yes they are, rather than using gelatine, the common animal based ingredient to gel the ingredients together, they have used pectin, a plant based ingredient which works in a similar manner. I’m not personally a vegan, but I am transitioning towards a vegetarian diet, so I was appreciative to see this.

Where Can I Buy This From?

You can order the Heart Hemp CBD Gummies from their website for £49.95, which works out as £1.66 per gummy, or 6p per mg of CBD. They also offer free delivery to locations in the UK, handled by Huboo Technologies with a 48 hour tracked delivery service.


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