CBD FX Berry Chill Shot Review

berry chill shot

Today I’ve been looking into, trying and reviewing the CBD FX Berry Chill Shot, something I was very excited about arriving, as my experience of CBD drinks is slightly more limited compared to other areas.

Why A Chill Shot?

I actually love the concept of these, a drink you can have on the go and keep in your bag or at work. I also don’t want to be seen pouring CBD oil under my tongue and holding it there for 1-2 minutes while in the office, therefore this offers a more subtle consumption method.

What Does It Taste Like?

I was racking my brain trying to work out what the flavour reminds me of. Eventually the thing that stuck in my head was sherbet. I don’t remember what type, it’s a blurry memory from childhood, but it is the closest resemblance I can find in regards to taste. It tastes a lot nicer than the usual consumption method of holding CBD oil under my tongue for a minute, therefore it was a very nice change.

Obviously, I realise when I talk about sherbet, only my UK followers will fully know what I mean, as the US and UK sherbet tastes completely different, but it’s a tasty and very sweet flavour, but with a subtle citrus kick.

How Much CBD Do You Get?

A single shot bottle contains 20mg of CBD. This is a full spectrum CBD, meaning you can benefit from the entourage effect with the various cannabinoids working in synergy.

While everyone’s consumption quantity will vary, 20mg is a nice middle-ground number, higher than if you were to opt for most CBD teas or edibles, but not incredibly high. I tend to take around 20mg of CBD per day, so this is the right amount for myself.

As always (but 100% worth stating), it’s organic and uses the CO2 extraction method that you would expect with a quality brand.

They also provide their 3rd party lab test results, which are important to check with any brand before making a purchase, where the test results showed 20.4mg per unit.

Why Is L-Theanine Included?

While you think they would be pushing the CBD quantity on the bottle, the first thing you see if the 200mg of L-Theanine, taking a different approach to other brands, which I think is an interesting tactic as all the competitors provide CBD, but it is the other added ingredients that can make this concoction an interesting product to try.

L-Theanine is an amino acid that you often find in tea or coffee, which is not made by the human body, therefore highlighting the importance of consumption through your diet. In various tests, they have been shown to affect the release of dopamine and serotonin.

Some of the benefits surrounding l-theanine consumption include increased mental focus, helping you to sleep at night and generally relax. It’s also been shown to help support the immune system and even help you to lose weight. While there need to be more tests, there are various results showing it also lowers blood pressure, by calming stress levels and reducing the resting heart rate.

Where Can I Purchase The CBD FX Berry Chill Shot From?

You can purchase the chill shot in the US from their website for $6.99 or from the CBD FX UK website for £3.99 each. Considering my audience is split between the USA and the UK, I wanted to highlight both options, but if you’re from another country in Europe then I’d recommend using the UK website.


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