The 11 Best CBD Journalists


If you’re working on your marketing strategy for your CBD brand, you’ve undoubtedly come across many of the advertising issues that come with the industry, from not being able to make any medical claims to being banned from posting paid ads on Instagram or Google Adwords.

But one amazing way to spread awareness about your products, as well as increasing backlinks to your website and in-turn increasing your rankings on search engines is through PR.

However, there doesn’t appear to be a huge amount of journalists that focus their content around CBD and cannabis in general, therefore I’ve tried my best to list all of the greatest journalists that cover this subject.

1) Ruby Deevoy

Ruby is a freelance journalist who focuses her content purely around cannabis and has been featured in a huge number of newspapers such as the Independent, Elle, Top Sante, Stylist and the Express.

Much like myself, she has tried and tested a huge amount of CBD products, from oils to gummies, so she certainly knows what to look out for in a product.

Ruby is based in Scotland, while she also runs TheCBDConsultancy, where she offers personal consultation sessions where she can guide you through using CBD for the first time.

2) Sarah Sinclair

Sarah is the Managing Editor for CannabisHealthNews, a UK publication dedicated to the industry, covering news on the legality of cannabis to interesting recipes to try.

Sarah is incredibly talented at writing gripping content that leaves you hanging on to every word, while she’s also open to brands that have a good story they want to share.

Sarah also has several years experience in news and magazine journalism.

3) A.J. Herrington

Heading across the pond, A.J. Herrington is a freelance writer for a number of publications, while I most know his content from the High Times.

A.J. has also been featured regularly in Forbes, covering culture and cannabis news. I would strongly recommend CBD brands and advocates follow his articles and social channels to keep up to speed with changes within the industry.

4) Patricia Miller

Patricia is the Managing Editor of Cannabis & Tech Today, a brilliant publication that focuses on the business and technology side of the cannabis industry.

Covering science, changes in technology and legal policies within the cannabis industry, Patricia is a brilliant writer and has helped the website to grow exponentially.

You will also find Patricia over on the partner website Innovation & Tech Today.

5) Andrew Ward

Andrew Ward isn’t just a CBD advocate, he’s released two books on the subject, The Art of Marijuana Etiquette which came out in 2021 and the Cannabis Jobs in 2019.

Of course, he’s featured in this article for his journalistic background, while you can see his content in multiple publications, including Business Insider and High Times.

Andrew has also launched his own podcast, Canna Say Something, where he interviews people in the cannabis space. You can find the podcast on Spotify.

6) Javier Hasse

Javier Hasse is the managing director of Benzinga, a content ecosystem for investors, combining real-time news with trading ideas.

However, he has taken a key spot on this list as he is seen as a key voice in the industry and commonly writes for Forbes on CBD and psychedelics.

Javier is also the founder of ElPlanteo, which covers the cannabis industry in Spanish.

7) Tom Bourlet

You guessed it, that’s me, I might as well sneak myself onto this list. I’ve been featured in over 300 newspaper publications, most commonly in the Metro, while I’ve also been featured in the BBC, Daily mail, Ladbible, Unilad, Guardian, Independent, iNews, Yahoo, Daily Express, Forbes, Startups, Hello, Mashable, the Sun, TheStreet, Mirror and plenty more.

I’ve also written CBD articles and listicles for Zoella, the Metro and New Food Magazine, while I was formerly a writer for Huff Post.

8) Debra Borchardt

Debra is the Co-Founder of Green Market Report alongside Cynthia Salarizadeh, as a financial journalist, covering the financial news in the cannabis industry in the USA.

With more than 20 years of knowledge and experience, Debra is incredibly intelligent and certainly worth following to stay on top of how things are changing within the industry.

You will find Debra’s content featured in other publications, from Yahoo to Forbes, while she’s also incredibly confident on camera (something I need to get better at).

9) Carrie Strouther

A writer for the illustrious Cannavist magazine and with a great knowledge of digital marketing, Carrie is a brilliant writer.

Combining her work with her role at CUBID CBD, Carrie is also a marketing executive of Vaporound, another part of the Orange Fox Media group.

10) Caroline Brien

Caroline is a freelance beauty writer, covering all the best skincare products to try, for multiple publications such as the Evening Standard, Metro and the Daily Mail.

Caroline has made the list as she has written about different CBD topical treatments a few times and I’ve always found her articles fascinating.

From the best CBD serums to the ideal CBD body balm, her articles are certainly worth giving a read.

11) Patrick Griffin

Patrick is an editor for Vapouround Magazine, having started back in the summer of 2020, while he also writes for Cannavist Magazine.

A passionate and talented writer, Patrick’s knowledge of the CBD and vaping industry is easy to see through his writing.


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