CBD Content Writing

WhatsApp Image 2018-08-27 at 11.58.00

I was recently asked on Instagram whether I can write content around CBD on a freelance basis, which I most certainly can. I’ve done this for a number of CBD brands over the past couple of years, however it only just dawned on me that I hadn’t publicised this fact or highlighted it anywhere on CBD Sloth.

Having written on CBD Sloth since April 2019, I’ve learned the terminology, the importance of accuracy and what you both can and cannot state.

Why Hire A CBD Copywriter?

One of the most important aspects I’ve learned within my career is that it is important to delegate tasks to experts, so that you can utilise your time on where you will get the greatest ROI.

If you’re an owner of a CBD brand, you should be focusing your time on arranging deals with e-commerce websites to get your brand featured, sorting out deliveries and researching product developments. You shouldn’t be spending your day writing about the endocannabinoid system, as this simply isn’t the best use of your time.

Content is such a critical way of helping your website to rank on Google for a number of associated terms. Content marketing is an integral way to help you reach your target audience, while it also helps to provide a useful resource for anyone wanting to find out more about the products you sell.

Having worked in the industry for a number of years, I know what people are searching for and how to catch them at different stages of their journey.

Building A Cannabis & CBD Content Marketing Strategy

If you want to see your website’s traffic increase over time, then it is important to build out a content strategy.

You should build some content pillars and work out exactly who your potential audience is. The content strategy should be all-encompassing, meaning it should involve your web copy, email content, social media posts and PR.

You need a steady stream of high quality content that journalists can use as a resource and which can catch the interest of CBD enthusiasts.

Different Forms Of CBD Content

Content can come in all shapes and sizes. We commonly mean written content in the form of product descriptions or blog posts, however you can also create content in a number of other forms, highlighted below:

  • Video: YouTube is the largest video sharing platform in the world, while it’s also an under-utilised source for CBD brands looking to reach new customers. Video content can help to explain how you use your products, or it can be a tool to portray yourself as an expert on the subject.
  • E-books: You might want to create an e-book as an incentive for people to get for free if they subscribe to your email newsletter. Or it could be a free e-book available on Kindle that talks about CBD, but highlights your product range.
  • Long Form Content: These are exceptionally long articles on websites that can rank on search enginges for a number of high search volume terms. These guides can help to make your website a useful resource for people interested in CBD.
  • Podcasts: Podcasts offer an audio option for those who would rather listen than read. It doesn’t cost much to setup a regular podcast for your brand, where you can interview figures in the industry and produce how-to walkthroughs.

Reasons Your CBD Marketing Isn’t Performing

I’ve spoken to a number of CBD brand owners who have complained that they’re struggling to get many visitors to their website. Some of the issues below could be a key factor in why your CBD content isn’t performing:

  • Google Medic Update – The Google algorithmic update, nicknamed the ‘medic update’, hit YMYL websites hard. By this, I mean ‘your money or your life’ websites, such as finance, medical or legal. CBD has been caught in this net, therefore a number of CBD brands that have written on the medical aspects saw their website rankings fall heavily following the update.
  • Your Content Is Sales Focused – People have landed on your article because they want to read about the subject. If you simply talk about how amazing your product is, they might lose interest and move on. You need to help educate the reader and subtly push for a sale. Think of the article you’re reading right now, I’m subtly pushing towards my content writing services, while focusing on how to improve your content writing.
  • Content Is Too Short – More often than not, when a brand asks me why their content is not ranking, the common answer is it doesn’t deserve to. Think of the term ‘CBD for dogs’, this is a highly competitive term with a huge number of websites creating highly relevant content. What makes your article better? If the majority of the top ten positions are between 2,000-3,000 words and you’ve written a 500 word article, you shouldn’t have any complaints if you’re not ranking
  • Internal Link Structure – Internal links are one of the most undervalued SEO tactics, despite being easy to change. If you want a page to rank better, you can include it in your top nav, or you can create exact match internal links, using the keywords you want it to rank for. A strong internal linking structure is important for Google to navigate through the website.
  • Lack Of CTA – You’ve worked hard to get people into your website, but where do they go from there. It could be moving your CTA button on the page, making it a different colour, or simply you failing to have one. A number of blog posts fail to include some form of Call-To-Action

How Do I Work With You?

You can reach my by email at tom@cbdsloth.com, where you can discuss your content requirements. Providing I have capacity, I can normally start within the month and have a relatively quick turnaround, depending on how much is required.

How Much Do You Charge?

I charge 20p per word, which means £100 for a 500 word article or £200 for a 1,000 word article. 20p is around $0.26, so a 500 word article would be approximately $130 and a 1,000 word article would be $260, based on 1 GBP equalling 1.37 USD.

About Me

Outside of the CBD world, I’m a Marketing Consultant with over 10 years experience. I’m a judge for the EU Search Awards and the UK Agency Awards, while I’ve worked both in-house and agency side. I’ve helped a large number of companies achieve triple digit growth, predominantly through SEO and Digital PR.


    • Hi Rayyan, it’s great to hear from you, so sorry for the late response, I didn’t see this in the comments section. Please feel free to reach out to me at tom@cbdsloth.com if you’re still interested in my content writing services or if you were interested in a product review at all. I hope you had a great weekend!


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